Thursday, November 10, 2011


无盐奶油 250g
意大利芹 (Italian parsley) 一把
柠檬 一片
蒜头 4片
盐  1茶

Chop the Italian parsley, discard the stem(can use to cook soup), mixed the parsley, garlic into butter, add 1 tsp of salt, little lemon juice, mix all together, taste if needed extra salt.

买好的肉8 可筋眼牛扒 2cm thick
Pot must be hot.

Marinate(put 2 side)
Salt pour on top
black pepper
Olive Oil 
(pot no need to add oil, just fry on pot, after 1 min only flip else sticky) 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

口袋饼 (Pita Bread)

中筋面粉 3 杯 (约420 克)
速溶侾母(instant yeast/rapid rise yeast) 两茶匙
盐 一茶匙(影片用的是粗盐,所以用两茶匙)
砂糖 一汤匙
橄榄油 两汤匙
温水 一杯(250毫升)



3。面团置入大碗中,表面稍微莫点油(olive oil),用保鲜膜盖住,室温下静置约一个半小时,直到面团膨涨二至三倍大




附注:也可以将烤箱预热至200C, 饼皮置于烤盘上放入烤箱(或是一pizzapeel 滑到烤箱中一起预热的石板上), 约二三分钟,直到面饼鼓胀开即可。


葱 一大把
油 一碗
酱油 一碗
砂糖 3 大匙

葱洗净擦干, 切成寸段
以中偏小火热油, 倒入葱段慢扁约25分钟, 偶尔翻抄, 直到葱段乾黄, 葱油香四溢
倒入酱油与糖, 搅拌烧开一分钟.
放凉后装罐置入冰箱, 需用时从底部挖取适量葱段油酱(酱油会沉淀), 与热面條拌均即可食.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wheat Bun

Organic Wheat Flour 500g
Sugar 1tbsp(Mountain)
Salt 1tbsp (flat)
Yeast 1tbsp(half mountain) more yeast will get harder

Add on any dry fruits you like: sunrise tomatoes, raisin, cranberries
Blend in the entire dry ingredient together; create a hole in the middle.

Add in oil (3 tbsp)
Slowly add in warm water (around 500g)

Speed 1 on kitchen aid mixer; make sure dough is not 1 ball in the middle of the hook, but still sticky, hookable at the side of the mixing pot.

Scrap the dough to a ball, sprinkle flour on the dough and wait to rise to double about 1 hour time, cover the pot with cloth.

When ready, break the size straight from the dough, does not need to knit the dough for small bun. Flatten the small dough and put filling, close the filling hole on top of the bun. Work through the shape and sprinkle flour on top.

Rise again to double size.

Heat up oven to 250C, when ready bake the bread for 10-15 mins to get the crunchy outer layer. Bring down oven to 200C, bake for another 10mins to make sure inside is cooked.

Tuna filling
Water can tuna + Lemon + herbs(thyme) + oil if the can does not contain oil.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fire Engine

Father in law was sick for the past 3 weeks, hubby and I has been taking turn taking care of kids. Every morning we have to send kids to school, and will pass by this fire station. It has been a routine that we are making a game to ask everyone to guess "How many fire enginer will be there?" Normally there should be 2 fire engines at the station, sometime only 1. Kids will always choose 2 and the 2 parents will sometime join them or purpose say 1 or 3... purposely lost, so that kids can learn how to lost gracefully some times :)

Here is the funny one... today, we both parents choose 1... both kids take 2.. they are ready to laugh at the parents when they found they got it right. We stop at the traffic light where you can see the fire engine from far.. while waiting, one fire engine started the siren!!
My son scream: "Jie, one fire engine is moving, we are going to lost!" hahahaha.... surprise me for his speech!

Aiya.. the fire engine does not move anywhere, stop right infront the fire station with siren.. still 2 there when we pass by the fire engine... :(.. the parents lost again...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My New Handmade bag

It was months of thinking to decide to pay tuition fees and make this bag of my own. I modified some of the features inside and outside the bag. Extra storage for me where i want to make this bag can accommodate kids's stuff....

First picture no handle strip yet. Next to it is after putting up the handle and i can start using it :) It was fun to see how my girl teaching his brother through the picture, what is this? a house. Clever boy you know:):) how about this and that .. ....

the back of the bag, i add on the pocket for me to put in some books etc... and i draw the pic myself :) Zoom in..... you see my name there.. a name i always use to introduce myself.

How long it takes to finish? 1 and 1/2 months.. rushing through day and night, so that in time for coming raya and national holiday...

Monday, August 8, 2011

He is funny!

Early morning wake up and kids found out they have new fishes in house.. each of them get 2 fishes... they get so exited, feeding the fish :) Getting ready to go to school, before get out of the house, son gave me a hug but girl refuse to :) ; while walking out from house to the car, son suddenly say:" eh, i forget to bring my fish in my pocket!... and he turned back and gave a smile and say " i am just joking" :) hahahahaha... i was stunt by what he say... what a joker :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011



Friday, July 22, 2011

W19 Checkpoint

Ya.. 3rd child.
W19 at 72.5kg.. :) way below my last 2 pregnancy.. gaining about 9kg now after eating so much durian ah :) that's cool.. exercise do help..
Everyone is stunt when see me or heard me still playing volleyball and badminton.
Going to swim for the whole next week :):)
Prayerfully this round pregnancy max go up to 80kg only :):):) to break my own record :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Play dough creations

To make colour dough
2 cups white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 cups water
2 tablespoomn cooking oil
1/4 cup cream of tartar
Drop of food colouring

Cook in a saucepan over medium heat.

When the mixture looks smooth, let it cool and give it to your child to play with (you can keep in the fridge for future on-the-spot creations.)

Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chunk Cookies

2/3 cup butter or margerine, softened
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs
1-1/2 cups old fashion oats
1-1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 6-ounce package Craisin Sweetened Dried Cranberries
2/3 cups white chocolate chunks or chips

Preheat oven to 375F(200C).
Using an electric mixer, beat butter or margerine and sugar together in a medium mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, mixing well.

Combine oats, flour, baking soda and salt in a seperate mixing bowl. add butter mixture in several additions, mixing well after each addition.

Stir in Craisin sweetened dried cranberries and white chocolate chunks.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool on wire rack.
Makes approximately 2-1/2 dozen cookies.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mid year update

New Eyeliner... bobby brown.... thanks hubby.. many recommend is a good product... let me give it a try :)
Things planning for the last 6 months coming to past... soon...
1st Malaysia Veteran Volleyball Competition....
A trip to go.....

Thursday, April 14, 2011


四月十二日2011年 下午两点半。看到了。。。七点,我去打羽球,流汗的感觉真舒服。。 今天是四月十四日2011年,公司总是这么冷。。穿美一点来做工,精神也会好一点!哈哈是时候换照形。。头脑一片混乱,写写一些也会精神一点。

Monday, February 28, 2011


这个是送给亲爱的。。 哈哈。 正适合他,放钥匙也保护裤袋里面的东西。有用!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011年 最新玩意

好开心,有了新的玩具。 好多次我走进了这一间店,对店里的每一样东西都爱不释手,好想好想做些什么。 也带了姐姐到那里买了些布。


真的很棒,不止学新的手艺, 也认识好多朋友,个个有精彩的故事听。

昨天认识了May,一位美丽的厨师, 有空要到她的餐厅尝尝。