Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Conversation with my Girl

Wednesday 630am. My 2 and half years old girl wake up and i was preparing to work.

YE: Mummy, how are you?
LS: I am good. How about you?
No response from her... hehe
YE: Mummy, Happy Birthday and I Love you
LS: Mummy birthday is on November not today.
YE: Yee Ern's birthday on October
LS: Yes, you are right, on 17 October, do you want to have a birthday party this year?
YE: Yes, Mummy.
LS: Ok, we will have a party for you :)
YE: Thank You Mummy, I Love You Mummy.... (She was hugging me while saying that)

Monday, May 19, 2008

He calls Mama

My son has been learning to talk recently... We have heard him called Che Che, Papa and Mama, but never too sure he really said that... cause the way he talked like mumbling a lot and out of sudden utter the word Che Che, Papa or Mama.... so kind of not sure

But yesterday... he was hungry.. and he looked at me and called "Mama" :) :) so sweet the voice, everyone who was around heard it. He is like her Che Che, 6 months they start to talk....