Monday, May 19, 2008

He calls Mama

My son has been learning to talk recently... We have heard him called Che Che, Papa and Mama, but never too sure he really said that... cause the way he talked like mumbling a lot and out of sudden utter the word Che Che, Papa or Mama.... so kind of not sure

But yesterday... he was hungry.. and he looked at me and called "Mama" :) :) so sweet the voice, everyone who was around heard it. He is like her Che Che, 6 months they start to talk....

1 comment:

The Navigator said...

omigosh I'm still waiting for my son to call me mama. Sometimes he babbled babbled maaa , paa also not sure what he's saying. When he really sounds out a clear "mama" i think i will float up to the air :O