Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Son: Yee Herng 倚恒

Here is my son, he is 2 months old now. He was born with 4kg(8.89lb) of weight. I guess due to his born weight, he grow rapidly with 2kg increase every month. He is now 8.1kg. Yes he is heavy :) I can build up some muscle by carrying him everyday. 0-3 months clothes cannot wear anymore, he needs to wear 6-12months clothes now :) :) Does he looks like me?


The Soothsayer said...

Congrats! I don't think he looks much like you, though.

The Navigator said...

wow 8.1kg at 2 months ! hehe . My baby quite heavy too, now 7.5kg. Everyday is like doing heavy weightlifting.

yan said...

wah... very heavy... why baby nowadays are so heavy arr? my mum delivered me at 7 lbs and it was already considered very huge baby that time...
i think he looks like u ... especially the eyes... take care ya...:)

HappySweetheart said...

Yup, very heavy. I am training him to sleep through the night now so that he dont eat so much and can slow down the weight increase.

Anonymous said...

wow look very healthy & strong


Anonymous said...

Your baby is cute. Do post more baby photos. Congrats.
