Monday, March 26, 2007

Big Man Call Me

There is this big man stay upstair of my apartment, he is about 6ft++ tall. His car park is infront of my window. And my dining table is near to the window with my daughter highchair next to the window. So my daughter see him almost everyday in the morning and evening while she is having her breakfast and dinner.

Some of the times, she hardly sit still on her highchair and will stand up and down; climb up and down from her highchair.... headache.. haha.. so grandma always use the trick :"If you dont sit properly, big man will come and scold you... haha.." it works some time for grandma to hold her sit still for few mimutes on her highchair.

2 days ago.. grandma used the trick again.. i guess she has grown up and understand that big man who pass by every morning and wave his hand at her will not come to scold her.Then she answer grandma.. : "Big Man Call Me!"... muahahhahah.. hahahhahahahahahah. Trick never work again but it is fun to hear she say Big Man Call Me :):):):)


Schumico said...

is that ok to use that to scare the baby? tot1
I heard ppl say kenot say things like ke ling kou will come catch u ..etc..duno how true

The Soothsayer said...

Hey, really cute! When did she start talking? I really missed that. Time flew by. :P

Hmm... I don't think it's good to use such a scare tactic but it's common among older Chinese. Like saying, "The police will come and catch you." Turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy these days when the police lie in wait to get some XXXX-X money from drivers. ;)

HappySweetheart said...

Sooth: She start talking in sentence when she was 15 months. First sentence was:"Mummy, help me go up!"
Yesterday morning while i was eating pizza, she asked: "Mummy, give me pizza please. :).. of course she got her pizza :):):)

She knows you as well, if you ask her who bought you the pink sleeping bear? Answer:Uncle Poh Kit :):) pay her a visit when you return to Malaysia ya :)

haha, i don't agree to use the trick as well... good thing she is smart enough now and Grandpa and grandma learn their lesson :):)

The Soothsayer said...

I went back but you were in US at the time, I think. Next CNY will probably be the next time I get back. But if my paper gets accepted, I may be going to US at the end of the year. ;)

HappySweetheart said...

I will be back to Malaysia in end of August... will see you in chinese new year then :):)